Zygopetalum flower surprise.

There are flowering plants and then there are orchids. Orchids thrived in their adopted niche as they evolved a distinctive flower structure and root system.

Opening for business.

It takes about 24 hours for each bloom to open out fully.

No surprises here: the orchid look.

The reproductive parts are fused and housed in a central tower structure. Three sepals and three petals form the perianth. The frilly coloured apron is a highly specialised petal.

I bought this plant at Tuckers Orchids . They know how to look after orchids and are very helpful.

Hiding in plain sight.

This plant has always produced five blooms on each flower spike. Look closely.


According to the people at Tuckers Orchids this is a rare event but not scarce.

Two flowers fused.

Two separate but fused tower structures containing the flower’s reproductive organs. The perianth contains 10 sepals and petals, two have been lost during fusion..


Pollinators see flowers and nothing but flowers against a forest background. The magic of Orchids.


Slipper Orchid is showing off its opening routine.


Calceolaria flowers say “come to the party.”