Gymnocalycium Mihanovichii, I think.

My plant recognition app identified this cactus. The flower opened incompletely in the late afternoon sun. It wasn’t the first small Gymnocalycium plant that has failed to open fully for me.

After a quick read through articles by “cactus people” the phrase “incomplete opening” cropped up a few times.

How do these plants pollinate? If they won’t allow insects in, it must be a “selfie” job.

On the other hand, large bees might just barge in and rummage around a bit.

It’s fun asking questions and looking for answers.

Late afternoon

The flower failed to open further.

A case of open and shut.

A tangle of spines surround the flowers.

I wonder if the spines suppress flower opening while the plant is growing.

Small buds developing…

I’m not very good at caring for plants. I hope they survive my over/under watering and too much/little sun exposure. Temperature fluctuation and accidentally knocking the little pots over are other lack of control variables.

Behind the spines..

The outer skin feels tough, and has the appearance of Rhino hide in the picture.


Turns out my latest cactus is a succulent.


Cactulents in Red