Cotyledon flowers.
Cotyledon succulent, a jaded dusty plant with loads of charm and interesting chemistry.
Random Cactii I found in the Plant Barn. Broxi’s choice.
Started out as a chemist and ended up teaching. Photography is cool tool for observing at leisure.
Paphiopedilum Deconstructed.
The staminode, a repurposed sterile anther is a big feature inside the slipper orchid lip. Shaped like a giant flyswat, it collects incoming female hoverflies on its smooth surface before dropping them into the cup shaped lip where they buzz around before working out how to escape.
Epidendrum Pacific Rose Part 1
Epidendrum Pacific Rose is apparently a cross between Epi. Pacific vista and Epi. Orange Glow. It’s easy to see which side of the family lent it’s colour genes to the mix..
Slipper Orchid is showing off its opening routine.
My slipper orchid executing a flower build using techniques perfected over the last sixty million years. Early ancestors appeared during the Palaeocene and genes responsible for this marvel reboot with every successiove generation.
Tibouchina, a first look.
I love this plant. The flower opens with a smile while arm-shaped stamens, complete with an elbow wave madly to attract bees.
Anigozanthos under the macro; focus stacking with Helicon Focus.
Don’t just smell the flowers, take some pics. Macro photography provides a great opportunity to study plants at various times during their life cycle.