Cyclamen Persicum

They do it differently. Flowers invert away from the sun while their petals reflex backwards. Pollen grains fall from anthers like pepper from a shaker.

After the initial transformation, I thought it would be interesting to follow other changes during the lifetime of the bloom.

Winter colour.

The show is over.


Like a monster from a horror movie, the seed pod rises before curling up in a heap on the ground.

The Flower’s opening display is choreographed to perfection.

Curves with colour.

Rounded wart-like papillae cover the anthers. The slightest nudge will dislodge a shower of microscopic pollen grains.

Day 1 and the stigma already has a dusting of pollen grains.

Day 2 and the petals are almost totally reflexed.

Not your usual anthers from biology textbooks but, that is another story.


Cyclamen flowers and seed pods.


Convolvulus Cneorum an open and shut case.