Poppy Seeds.
John West John West

Poppy Seeds.

Pollen grains land on the stigma crown before sending pollen grains into the ovary where they deposit sperm cells in an egg.

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Cyclamen Persicum
John West John West

Cyclamen Persicum

Cyclamen Persicum.

They do it differently. Flowers invert away from the sun while their petals reflex backwards. Pollen grains fall from anthers like pepper from a shaker.

After the initial transformation, I thought it would be interesting to follow other changes during the lifetime of the bloom.

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Convolvulus Cneorum an open and shut case.
John West John West

Convolvulus Cneorum an open and shut case.

Convolvulus cneorum flowers don’t last long. They open slowly in the early morning light and close when daylight fades.

When flowers fold away like an umbrella, the flower is dead, and the cylinder slowly falls over.

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Convolvulus Cneorum.
John West John West

Convolvulus Cneorum.

Other species in this genus are vines. Profuse pink buds arranged loosely on panicles. The buds unfurl, producing white cone-shaped flowers with a yellow throat. The grey-green leaves are covered in fine hairs giving the plant a silvery appearance.

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Hippeastrum Emerald.
John West John West

Hippeastrum Emerald.

Another pot plant from Palmers Gardenworld Rotorua. Big bulbs, long stems with the most graceful blooms you will ever see.

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Hyacinth Blue
John West John West

Hyacinth Blue

Distinct bouquets define single malts before taste buds respond warmly to the amber nectar. Drops of nectar dribble down the hyacinth ovary before 84 different aromatic molecules infuse the room with a beautiful musky odour.

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John West John West


An explosion of flowers at the top of each stalk

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